In the heart of Kokusai Street, on the first floor of the Tenbusu Naha building, lies Shop Naha, where a selection of the finest crafted goods from Okinawa and all its outlying islands have been gathered for your convenience.
Everything from snacks and Okinawan foods, to jams and ice cream, awamori, various liqueurs, and novelty items can be found here.
Further, the Tourist Information desk is right next door, making this a convenient place to plan your next outing and get gifts for all those back at home.
More details
Company name | Shop Naha |
Street address |
〒900-0013 Naha, Makishi 3--2-10 Tenbusu Naha 1F |
Access | Located on the 1st floor of Tenbusu Naha, it is only a 5-10 minute walk from either Miebashi Station of Makishi Station. |
Payment methods | cashJCBVISAMasterCUPEdyOther credit cards |
Parking available | Paid Parking availableThere is pay parking nearby |
Internet environment | Wi-Fi (free) Naha City Free Wi-Fi available |
Easy acccess | Accessible bathroomWritten communication for the hard of hearingService Dogs allowedNursing room available |
Business hours | 10:00〜20:00 |
Closed | Open year-round |
Shipping service | Domestic shipping possible Purchased items can be shipped domestically for a surcharge |
Contact |