Let's experience the culture of Okinawa!

Try your hand at some arts and crafts passed down from dynastic times.

Around Shurijo Castle there are many places where you can get a feeling for Okinawan culture. Here are a few spots in Shuri for you to experience the traditions from the time of the Ryukyu Kingdom.

START : 最寄りのバス停、駅をご確認ください

  • Yamakawa bus stop (# 「1」「9」「13」「14」「17」「25」「97」「125」「346」)

  • 4 minute-walk (290m)

  • Shuri Ryusen

    Bingata and coral-dyeing workshop

    The facility was created as Okinawa's first laboratory specializing in natural dyes in order to preserve and develop traditional bingata-dyeing (stencil-dyeing) techniques. It offers an exhaustive experience, with a showroom on the first floor, a learning space for visitors on the second floor, and professional dyeing workshop where you can see the artisans at work on the third floor.

  • 16 minute-walk (1.2km)

  • Zuisen Distillery

    Preserving the taste of history

    During the Ryukyu Kingdom era, only a restricted number of distilleries near Shuri Castle were allowed to make Okinawa's traditional rice liquor, awamori. Zuisen Distillery is one of those distilleries. The shop has a wide selection of new and aged awamori that you can also taste. The distillery is also open to the visitors who wish to see how the liquor is made (a reservation is needed).

  • 1 minute walk (83m)

  • Kuganizeku Matayoshi

    The authentic silverwork of the Ryukyuan nobility

    With its 500-year-long history, this workshop still sells the traditional silver hairpins once worn by noblewomen, as well as wedding rings and accessories from the times of the Ryuykyu Kingdom. All pieces are handcrafted using the original silverworking techniques.

  • 2 minute walk (150m)

  • Katachiki (Bingata)

    Traditional dyecloth as a form of expression

    The two sisters owning this shop love to bring a touch of classic Okinawa to your everyday routines, by using traditional bingata dyes on a variety of modern objects, such as book covers, handbags, or scarves.

  • 移動距離1.7㎞


Course map

  1. Shuri Ryusen
  2. Zuisen Distillery
  3. Kuganizeku Matayoshi
  4. Katachiki (Bingata)